Class 5 | English | Unseen Passage | Question Type 5 – 9 | Part 5: This is an important discussion on the English Unseen Passage (Question Type 5 – 9) with Answers for class five English subject so read the post carefully.
Read the text and answer the questions 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Once there lived a very clever fox in a jungle. One day while walking through the jungle he fell into a trap and lost his tail. He felt very unhappy and sad. But the fox was very cunning. He hit upon a plan. He invited all the foxes to come to a meeting.
When all the foxes arrived, the fox without a tail said, “My dear friends, listen to me, please. I’ve discovered a new thing. It’s that our tails are completely useless. They look ugly and dirty. So we all should cut off our tails, shouldn’t we?”
All the foxes listened to the cunning fox eagerly. Most of them agreed to cut off their tails. But an old and wise fox was present there. He said to him, “My friend, your plan is very nice but very evil. Actually, you want us to cut off our tails because you’ve tail of your own. You have lost your tail.
So you want us to cut off our own tails.” Hearing this, all other foxes could understand the evil plan of the cunning fox. They all shouted at him loudly and chased him. The cunning fox ran away quickly and saved his life.
অনুবাদ : একদা এক জঙ্গলে একটি অতিশয় চালাক শিয়াল বাস করত। একদিন যখন সে একটি বনের মধ্য দিয়ে যাচ্ছিল তখন সে একটি ফাঁদে পড়ল এবং তার লেজ হারাল। সে খুবই অসুখী এবং দুঃখিত বোধ করল। কিন্তু শিয়ালটি ছিল খুবই চালাক। সে একটি পরিকল্পনা করল। সে সব শিয়ালকে একটি সমাবেশে আসতে আমন্ত্রণ জানালো।
যখন সব শিয়াল পোঁছাল তখন লেজবিহীন শিয়ালটি বলল, “প্রিয় বন্ধুগণ, অনুগ্রহপূর্বক আমার কথা মনোযোগ সহকারে শোন। আমি একটি নতুন জিনিস আবিষ্কার করেছি। এটি হল যে আমাদের লেজ সম্পূর্ণ অপ্রয়োজনীয়। সেগুলো কুৎসিত এবং নোংরা দেখায়। তাই আমাদের সবার লেজ কেটে ফেলা উচিত, নয় কি?”
সব শিয়াল চালাক শিয়ালটির কথা মনোযোগ সহকারে শুনল। তাদের অধিকাংশই তাদের লেজ কাটতে সম্মত হল। কিন্তু সেখানে একটি বয়স্ক এবং চালাক শিয়াল উপস্থিত ছিল। সে তাকে বলল, “বন্ধু, তোমার পরিকল্পনা খুবই সুন্দর কিন্তু খুবই অসৎ প্রকৃতির। প্রকৃতপক্ষে তুমি চাও আমরা আমাদের লেজ কেটে ফেলি কারণ তোমার নিজের কোনো লেজ নেই।
তুমি তোমার লেজ হারিয়ে ফেলেছ। তাই তুমি চাও আমরা আমাদের লেজ কেটে ফেলি।” এটি শুনে অন্য সব শিয়াল চালাক শিয়ালটির অসৎ পরিকল্পনা বুঝতে পারল। তারা সবাই তার প্রতি উচ্চ স্বরে চিৎকার করল এবং তার পিছু ধাওয়া করল। চালাক শিয়ালটি দ্রæত দৌড়ে পালাল এবং তার জীবন রক্ষা করল।
- Write only the question number and the answer letter on the answer paper.
(i) What is the story about? d
A. A tiger
B. A deer
C. A hare
D. A fox
(ii) How was the fox? c
A. Foolish
B. Wise
C. Clever
D. Lazy
(iii) What did the fox lose? b
A. His eye
B. His tail
C. His ear
D. His leg
(iv) Why did the fox invite the other foxes? a
A. Because he had a plan
B. To play with them
C. To have a party
D. To tell a story
(v) Why did the fox want the other foxes to cut off their tails? d
A. Because it looks ugly and dirty
B. Because it is useless
C. To become beautiful
D. Because he has lost his own
(vi) You have lost your tail. The underlined verb is in —————–. c
A. present indefinite
B. present continuous
C. present perfect
D. past perfect
(vii) Who could understand the evil plan of the cunning fox? a
A. An old and wise fox
B. A tiger
C. A lion
D. A deer
(viii) What did all other foxes do at last? c
A. They cut off their tails
B. They left the place
C. They chased the cunning fox
D. They beat the cunning fox
(ix) They look ugly and dirty. The underlined words are —————–. c
A. nouns
B. verbs
C. adjectives
D. adverbs
(x) What is the present form of ‘felt’? b
A. Fall
B. Feel
C. Fell
D. Fill
- Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box below. There arfe three extra words which you need not use. 1´5=5
save | lost | forest | befool |
help | failed | trap | remove |
- a) The clever fox lived in a ¾¾.
- b) He lost his tail in a ¾¾.
- c) The fox made a plan to ¾¾ all the foxes.
- d) The cunning fox ran away to ¾¾ his life.
- e) The evil plan of the cunning fox ¾¾.
Ans. a) forest; b) trap; c) befool; d) save; e) failed.
- Answer the following questions in a sentences. 2´5=10
- a) How was the fox?
Ans. The fox was very clever.
- b) How did he lose his tail?
Ans. He lost his tail in a trap.
- c) How did he feel after losing his tail?
Ans. After losing his tail, he felt very unhappy and sad.
- d) What did he tell the other foxes to do?
Ans. He told the other foxes to cut off their tails.
- e) Who could understand the evil plan of the cunning fox?
Ans. An old and wise fox could understand the evil plan of the cunning fox.
আরো পড়ুনঃ
- ৫ম শ্রেণি | বাংলা | প্রার্থনা কবিতার প্রশ্ন উত্তর | PDF
- ৫ম শ্রেণি | বাংলা | ঘাসফুল কবিতার প্রশ্ন উত্তর | PDF
- ৫ম শ্রেণি | বাংলা | ভাবুক ছেলেটি গল্প প্রশ্ন উত্তর | PDF
- ৫ম শ্রেণি | বাংলা | অবাক জলপান নাটকটির প্রশ্ন উত্তর | PDF
- Write five sentences on the consequence of ill trick.
Or, Write five sentences on the consequence of ill trick by answering the given set of questions related to the text.
- Where did the fox live?
- How did the fox lose his tail?
- Which plan did he make?
- Who could understand his evil plan?
- What happened later for him?
Ans. Bad Consequence of Ill Trick
There lived a very clever fox in a jungle. One day the fox fell into a trap and lost his tail. Then he hit upon a plan to cut off the tails of other foxes. All the foxes agreed with him but an old fox could understand his evil plan. They all shouted at him loudly and chased him.
- Suppose, you are Pranto. Write a letter to your friend, Shanto describing the consequences of too much cleverness.
Here are some words to help you : address, date, salutation, main points of the letter, closing.
30 April 2016
Dear Shanto,
I received your letter yesterday. In the letter, you asked me to tell you about the consequences of too much cleverness. Let me write about it.
Once there lived a clever fox in a jungle. One day, the fox fell into a trap and lost his tail. Then he made a plan. He invited all the foxes in a meeting and told them that they all should cut off their ugly tails. But an old and wise fox could realize his trick and all foxes chased him. Thus the evil fox got his punishment.
No more today. Convey my salam to your parents.
Yours ever,
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