শিক্ষার্থীরা NCTB সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী এইচএসসি HSC. English for Today বইয়ে বেশকিছু নতুন বিষয় যুক্ত করা হয়েছে। জাগোরিকে আমাদের নতুন যুক্ত হওয়া উত্তরণ আলোকে Model Question প্রকাশ করেছি। এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় এই পোস্টে তোমরা এইচএসসি Unit 5 Lesson 3: Drojen Answer HSC English First Paper PART-1: READING TEST: On Conquering the English Channel PART-1: READING TEST. সম্পর্কে জানতে পারবে। এই প্যাসেজটি নেওয়া হয়েছে, Unit Five: Youthful Achievers এর Lesson-3 (Part-1) থেকে। সম্পূর্ণ Model Question টি তোমরা উত্তরসহ পাবে।
Model Solution 34
Unit Five: Youthful Achievers
Lesson 3: Drojen Das: On Conquering the English Channel
Unit 5 Lesson 3: Drojen Answer HSC English First Paper
- A. (a) ii.unsmooth (b) i. when he was in the ferry (c) i. crushing (d) ii. to see off Brojen Das (e) i. dilated (f) iii. receding (g) ii.more challenging than the first half (h) i. strength (i) i. within 12 days of his 5th swim (j) i. forgetful
- (a)The only thought which kept the author worried was that he must make it and that hemust get good weather all the way.
(b) The sentence implies that then the author reached the shore. And he could materialize his dream by breaking the world record.
(c) The author thanked God for fulfilling his ambition and remembered his parents after successfully crossing the Channel.
HSC English First Paper Unit 5 Lesson 3: Drojen Answer
(d) Sea-sickness was the main cause of the author’s failure to set a world record on September 8/9 or even in 1960.
(e) Before his sixth swim the author prayed to God for getting a good weather and crowning him with success.
2.1. Arranged a meeting with the VC→2. Helped them get inspiration → 3. Gave them scope to tell the VC about augmenting academic facilities → 4. Greeted with his characteristicwarm smile → 5.Offered lift in his car→6. Had time for a friend always

3.The passage is about a selfish strange man who used to be irritated to see other’s happiness. He hated polite people and polite expressions. So, he decided to make a device to steal these extravagant words. Then he would be benefited in two ways – people wouldn’t be able to use these words. And he could earn money by selling them. After working secretly for months, he succeeded in inventing his long desired machine.
- (a) complete (b) practical (c) types (d) customs (e) institution (f) lot (g) knowledge (h) experience (i) beginning (j) real
- (a) strong (b) community (c) homeland (d) globalization (e) networking (f) linked (g) origin (h) virtue (i) technological (j) generation
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
c | g | h | d | e | f | a | j | i | b |
- The pie chart below shows the time allocation of students’ daily activities. Analyse the chart focusing the main preoccupations. (At least in 80 words.)
The pie chart shows how students pass their time doing various activities. The chart shows that more than half of students’ time is spent in school and in sleep. The rest of the time is spent in play. study, recreation and other activities. Students pass 30% of their time in sleep and 25% of their time in school. Thus they spend more time in these two activities. The main pursuit of the students is study and they spend 20% time in their study. Playing games is important to them, and so they spend some time in play.
HSC English 1st Paper Unit Five Lesson 2: Affectionate
They keep 5% of theirtime for this. Students also give importance in recreation. They pass 12% of their time in recreation. Last of all, they spend 8% of their time in other activities. Thus students pass their time in sleep, school, study, playing games, entertainment and doing other activities. The ratio of students’ time spending indicates that they spend their time in a logical way.
- Complete the following story following the clue.
King Solomon was renowned as a powerful king all over the world. Everyone became charmed at his ready wit and excellent wisdom. The queen of Sheba heard that the King could answer any difficult question instantly. She hit upon a plan to test the king and made two similar garlands- one was made of real flowers and another was artificial….
The Wisdom of King Solomon
King Solomon was renowned as a powerful king all over the world. Everyone became charmed at his ready wit and excellent wisdom. The queen of Sheba heard that the King could answer any difficult question instantly. She hit upon a plan to test the king and made two similar garlands— one was made of real flowers and another was artificial.
She called on King Solomon and asked, “Oh the wise king! I have taken these two garlands for you. Both are similar to look at but only one is real. Can you choose the real one?”

The garlands were on the table which was near the window. The king looked at them at a glance and opened the window at once. There were some bees in his garden beside the window. He found a few of the bees enter the room through the window and sit on one of the garlands of the queen of Sheba. He instantly could understand which one the real garland was.
He, then, easily chose the real garland and left the artificial one. “Long live our wise king”! cried out the Queen. “You are really the wisest king of the world.” she added.
- Suppose, you are Ratan/Ratna of Kandirpar, Cumilla. You are going to observe your birthday on the 15th April. You have decided to invite some of your friends. Now write a letter to Kamal, one of your friends, who lives in Chattogram and invite him to attend the party of your birthday.
Kandirpar, Cumilla
10 April 2022
Dear Kamal,
Perhaps you remember that my birthday comes off on 15 April. This is going to be my last birthday celebration in Cumilla as we will be living in Khulna from next month because of my father’s transfer. So mother is going to celebrate the occasion in a grand manner. Many of our friends and relatives are coming to the party. I hope it will be a great day for me. But I cannot think of anything without you. With love. So please do come, Kamal. I will be expecting you.
Yours ever
উক্ত বিষয় সম্পর্কে কিছু জানার থাকলে কমেন্ট করতে পারেন।
আমাদের সাথে ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে যুক্ত হতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন এবং আমাদের সাথে ফেইজবুক পেইজে যুক্ত হতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন। গুরুত্বপূর্ণ আপডেট ও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে ভিজিট করুন।