HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-67-68
Solution to Model Question-67
A.(a) (ii) physical (b) (iii) ingredient (c) (ii) principles of beauty (d) (iv) later (e) (ii) maker of a craftwork remains unknown (f) (ii) maintain (g) (iv) all the above (h) (iii) special (i) (i) an expression of gratitude (j) (iv) tempting (k) (iii) made of burnt clay (l) (iii) terracotta dolls (m) (ii) 20th century (n) (ii) extreme beauty (o) (iv) purchaser (p) (i) strong liking (q) (iv) both (i) and (ii) (r) (iii) to look (s) (iv) remains (t) (ii) the ability to create (u) (iii) fancy (v) (iii) attractive (w) (i) distinct theme (x) (iv) the power of creativity (y) (i) living
(a) A craftwork is shaped by the interaction of individual creativity and community aesthetics, utility function and human values.
(b) By terracotta we mean one kind of hard pottery of brownish-red colour for making small statues, vases, etc.
(c) Yes, we get a particular distinction about craftwork. It is wished by its maker’s desire to locate himself or herself in the wider and everchanging cultural aspiration of the community.

(d) In the early 1940s the terracotta dolls were collected from Dinajpur.
(e) The terracotta dolls reflect community aesthetics in such a manner that the market has not been able to impose its own preferences on them.
(f) Nakshikantha is a kind of quilt made by the village women. During several decades it has it’s own appeal because of it’s artistic pattern.
(g) Craftworks are very important for our culture and tradition. Our tradition reflects through the craft items. Craft items are related to the root of our culture.
(h) The makers of nakshikantha are unknown because they put no signature or any details in their work.
(i) The traditonal craftworks are kept in the Bangladesh National Museum because they have an aesthetic value. Most of the craft items are declining. But our future generation should know about these. So to preserve these craftworks they are kept in the museum.
(j) The terracotta dolls have an aesthetic value. It reflects strong community aesthetics in such a way that the market has not been able to impose its own preferences on them.
(k) A craftwork is a dynamic object which influences our way of life. It is one kind of art and the artists design it according to his her/ sweet will.
(l) A craftwork is an applied form of art. It is the reflection of beauty of common life. Art is something more abstract. It can be painting or even a poem.
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(m) Yes, I get some qualities of craftwork from my reading such as- a craftwork is shaped by the interaction of individual creativity and community aesthetics. It is distinguished by its maker’s desire and also represents a way of life and cultural flavour.
(n) It plays a vital role in the life of the common people. It relfects the maker’s desire, artistic ingenuity, creativity, human values which are an important part of the society and culture.
(o) Yes, I support that. For example, if we look at thirty years old ‘Nakshikantha’, we can find the desire, artistic ingenuity and the presence of the maker in it but we don’t know about any information about her/him.
(i) A flow chart showing some objects that have influence on craftwroks is given below :
1. Ever-changing culture | ® | 2. Tactile feeling | ® | 3. Impact of market | ® | 4. Impact of community aesthetics | ® | 5. Individual creativity | ® | 6. Impact of human life, sorrows and happiness |
(ii) A flow chart showing important aspects of craftwork is given below :
1. An applied form of art | ® | 2. Reflecting the inclusive nature of folk imagination | ® | 3. Ignoring the signature of its maker | ® | 4. Retaining personal touch | ® | 5. Representing artistic ingenuity | ® | 6. Having innovation and innovative work |
Or, (i) (i) changing tastes and preferences (ii) representation (iii) Craftworks and their production (iv) changes in lifestyle and material conditions (v) A craftwork (vi) as a stable signifier of community values (vii) losing their attraction (viii) due to their cheaper production costs (ix) Disappearing crafts (x) throughout the country and beyond
(ii) (i) social and cultural product (ii) A craftwork (iii) the interaction of individual creativity and community (iv) being distinguished by its maker’s desire (v) market (vi) Dinajpur (vii) Terracotta dolls (viii) early 1940s (ix) being collected (x) from village fairs
This passage deals with craft works. A craftwork which has great influence on our culture is one kind of art. It is mainly handmade designed by artists according to his/her sweet will. There are some distinctive qualities of a craftwork. It is a dynamic object-always evolving and always abreast of changing tastes and preferences. It also represents a way of life and cultural flavour. They play a vital role in the life of the ordinary people. So we should preserve our craftworks.
HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-67-68
Solution to Model Question-68

A.(a) (ii) having compactness (b) (i) changes in lifestyle (c) (iii) awaken (d) (iv) motion (e) (i) unfold (f) (i) choice (g) (ii) attributes of a culture (h) (iv) influence (i) (iii) manufacturing (j) (i) beautiful (k) (iii) indicating (l) (iv) fixed (m) (ii) certainty (n) (i) connection (o) (iii) collision (p) (i) arise (q) (iv) genuineness (r) (iii) maintain (s) (i) alliance (t) (ii) founder (u) (iii) discuss (v) (ii) revive (w) (i) attraction (x) (iii) restore (y) (i) unite (z) (iv) delightful (aa) (iv) genuine (bb) (iii) appear (cc) (ii) harden (dd) (i) re-animate (ee) (ii) hard example
(a) A craftwork is familiar as a dynamic object because it is always evolving and always abreast of changing tastes and preferences.
(b) A craftwork represents a way of life and a cultural flavour.
(c) Changes in lifestyle and material condition, changes in nature and environment have impact on craftworks.
(d) Traditionalists contend that the society needs to preserve the authenticity on naturalness of craftworks and their association with domesticity and environment.
(e) We know that crafts play a vital role in the life of ordinary people and they are an important part of the society and historical culture. That’s why we should preserve our traditional craftworks.
(f) A craftwork is an applied form of art in making products with hands. In other words, a craftwork is the work done by a craftsman.
(g) Crafts are disappearing because of many problems. Firstly, crafts depend on the authenticity and naturalness of craftwork and the society fails to preserve them. Secondly, motifs, shapes, styles and aesthetic preferences needed for craftwork are badly affected by mechanical production.
(h) Art and craftwork are different forms. Craftwork is the practical form of art, while art is the application of imagination to express ideas or feelings in painting and drawing.
(i) Market plays a vital role in promoting crafts both at home and abroad. Craftwork can be branded and marketed throughout the country in order to draw the attention of the consumers. Providing easy loans, grants and other assistance are required to marketise craftwork.
(j) Yes, I do support it. Mechanically produced craftwork is a big challenge to the handmade craftwork. Because, machine production is cheaper and easily available compared to handmade craftwork. Moreover, craftwork made by machine faces a lot of difficulties.
(k) Craftworks have faced different problems in the present time. The lack of sponsors, workers, lower investment, use of technology at a higher portion etc. are the present problems of craftworks.
(l) These problems can be solved by the interference of the government. Government can help by providing grants, loans, assistance and other support to the producers.
(m) A handmade craftwork represents a way of life and cultural flavour and retains its aesthetic value as well. On the other hand, a machine product always emphasizes on the market demand.
(n) Yes, I support that because by marketing or advertising it is possible to create attraction of people both home and abroad towards these cultural products. Thus both demand and supply of crafts will increase.
(o) There are some positive sides of new technological machine. It saves both time and production cost of goods. It can produce goods without any defects.
A flow chart showing the solution of the problems that craftworks face is given below :
1. Providing loans, grants to the producers | ® | 2. Giving them proper assistance | ® | 3. Helping them intending comfortable customer base | ® | 4. By branding | ® | 5. By advertising both at home and abroad | ® | 6. Raising awareness among the people about our traditional craftwork |
Or, (i) dynamic object (ii) craftworks and their production (iii) Handmade craftworks (iv) Two contesting views (v) Traditionalists (vi) certain forms, shapes, styles and aesthetic preferences change little over time (vii) machines (viii) Disappearing crafts (ix) Mechanical and mass production (x) The producers of craftworks
A craftwork which represents a way of life and a cultural flavour is always kept up with the changing tastes and material conditions. But mechanical progress reduces the demand for traditional craftwork specially handmade craftworks. That’s why some of them are disappeared. But it is our duty to preserve the authenticity and naturalness of these traditional handcrafts. It can be done by providing grants, loans, assistance and other support to the producers and helping them find a comfortable customer base.
Kuakatais a panoramic sea beach and a village on the southernmost tip of Bangladesh. Located in the Patuakhali district, Kuakata has a wide sandy beach. Kuakata offers a full view of the sunrise and the sunset from the same white sandy beach in the water of the Bay of Bengal. Locally known as ‘Sagar Kannya’ (Daughter of ocean), the long strips of dark, marbled sand stretches for about 30 km. Kuakata is also a sanctuary for migratory winter birds. It is the place of pilgrimage for both Hindu and Buddhist communities. The government and local business owners have made significant developments over the years to attract tourist to its shores.
- (a) alarming (b) increased (c) environment (d) greater (e) although (f) afflicted (g) chemical (h) * diseases (i) suffer (j) severely
- (a) soared (b) gradually (c) victim (d) confined (e) movement (f) synthesiser (g) dishearten (h) relentless (i) provided (j) organization
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
f | h | j | b | d | i | g | c | e | a |
l N.B : For Answer to Questions No. 7-11 See Composition Part.
উক্ত বিষয় সম্পর্কে কিছু জানার থাকলে কমেন্ট করতে পারেন।
আমাদের সাথে ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে যুক্ত হতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন এবং আমাদের সাথে ফেইজবুক পেইজে যুক্ত হতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন। গুরুত্বপূর্ণ আপডেট ও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে ভিজিট করুন।