HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf 52-56
Solution to Model Question–52
A.(a) (iv) violent collision (b) (ii) morality (c) (iii) conflicting (d) (ii) peacefully (e) (i) Uncontrolled antagonism may be harmful (f) (iv) collision (g) (i) identified (h) (iii) instigated by the opposition (i) (iv) goal (j) (i) component (k) (i) We possess a right thinking power (l) (iii) explain (m) (iv) existence (n) (iii) Conflict is an inevitable part of life (o) (iv) all (p) (ii) disastrous (q) (iv) actions and decisions (r) (i) occur (s) (ii) understanding (t) (iii) scope (u) (ii) A situation in which people, groups or countries are involved in a serious disagreement (v) (iii) feeling of hatred (w) (i) enmity (x) (ii) a discrepancy (y) (i) to relate (z) (iii) our actions and decisions (aa) (iv) increased by (bb) (iv) adverb (cc) (iii) To inform about conflict (dd) (i) an essential (ee) (iii) friction (ff) (ii) conflicting (gg) (ii) contexts
(a) Conflict means disagreement among groups or individuals characterized by antagonism and hostility. Principles, values, beliefs of people cause conflict.
(b) Conflict is a significant part of our life. All of us possess our own opinions, ideas and sets of beliefs. Thus we often find ourselves in conflict in different scenarios.
(c) A clash of thoughts and ideas is a part of the human experience. Hence, conflict seems to come naturally.
(d) Conflict offers us opportunity for learning and understanding our differences.
(e) We find ourselves in conflict in different scenarios. Thus it influences our actions and decisions.
(f) Hostility in a conflict is fueled by the opposition of one party to another in an attempt to reach an objective different from that of the other party.
- আরো পড়ুন:HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-30
- আরো পড়ুন:HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-31
- আরো পড়ুন:HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-32
- আরো পড়ুন:HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-034
- আরো পড়ুন:HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-35
(g) The elements involved in the conflict have varied sets of principles and values which allow a conflict to arise.
(h) The simplest way to define conflict is that it pertains to the opposing ideas and actions of different entities, resulting in an antagonistic state.
(i) Conflict is an inevitable part of life because all of us possess our own opinions, ideas, sets of beliefs, own ways of looking at things and we act according to what we think as proper. Thus we find ourselves in conflict.
(j) The result of conflict is that it influences our actions and decisions in one way or another.
(k) Conflict comes naturally as the clash of thoughts and ideas is a part of human experience.
(l) Despite conflicts, we can live unitedly as long as we know how to manage the struggles among ourselves responsibly.
(m) Yes, there are certain positive impacts of conflict. Through conflict we can come up to meaningful realizations. It gives us an opportunity to learn and understand our differences.
(n) We often find ourselves in conflict in different scenarios which may involve other individuals, groups of people or a struggle within our ownselves. Consequently, our decisions are influenced by conflict in one way or another.
(o) There are no fixed number of parties for conflict every time. It may involve individuals, groups of people, within two or more nations or even a struggle within our ownselves.
(p) Three causes of conflict are :
(i) competition to grab resources as much as possible
(ii) imposing ideologies and beliefs by force
(iii) strong effort to grab power
(q) If conflict is left uncontrolled, it can be destructive. It negatively influences our actions and decisions which is very harmful for our society and living.
(r) We can live harmoniously despite conflict if we know how to manage struggles among ourselves and sit for dialogue to ease conflict
(s) I agree that the clashing of thoughts and ideas is a part of human experience. As a result, conflict comes naturally.
(t) Yes. There is a positive aspect of conflict. Because despite conflicts, we can live untidily and peacefully as long as we know the way to manage the struggles among ourselves responsibly.
A flow chart showing some features of conflict is given below :
1. Disagreement among groups | ® | 2. Characterized by antagonism and hostility | ® | 3. Fueled by the opposition of one party to another | ® | 4. Inevitable part of life | ® | 5. A destructive force | ® | 6. Helpful in some cases |
Conflict is a disagreement between groups or individuals. It is characterized by antagonism and hostility. Conflict is a thing that pertains to the opposing ideas and actions of different entities. It is an inevitable part of life. Hence, we often find ourselves involved in conflict. A clash of thoughts and ideas is a part of the human experience. But it can be destructive if uncontrolled. We need to know how to manage our struggles. It influences our actions and decisions. It gives us opportunity to learn and understand our differences.
HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf 52-56
Solution to Model Question-55

1.A.(a) (ii) specific (b) (i) giving support to an idea (c) (iv) Peace movement (d) (i) extension (e) (iii) massive ruin (f) (i) reduce (g) (ii) hostility (h) (iv) statesmanship (i) (ii) peaceful opposition (j) (i) treason (k) (iv) absorb (l) (iv) portable machine gun (m) (iv) social movement (n) (ii) anti-war movement (o) (i) banning of guns (p) (iii) incline (q) (i) justice (r) (iii) government of people (s) (iii) varied (t) (vi) to look for (u) (iii) popular (v) (ii) to ensure peace that can be continued for a long time (w) (iii) that can continue for a long time (x) (ii) engage in (y) (i) discard (z) (iv) to sustain peace (aa) (i) war (bb) (iv) settlement (cc) (iv) all the above (dd) (iii) the act of struggling (ee) (i) the inherent capacity of coming into being (ff) (iv) Movement against all kinds of war and inter human violence (gg) (ii) World peace (hh) (i) Surrounding
(ii) (i) the doctrine that all violence is unjustifiable (jj) (i) a public exhibition or declaration of principles etc. (kk) (i) One who loves and wishes to serve mankind (ll) (iii) not equal to
(a) A peace movement is a social movement aiming at achieving ideas such as ending of a particular war or all wars and minimizing inter-human violence in a particular place or type of situation. Peace movement is carried on by advocating pacifism, raising non-violent resistance making peace camps, supporting anti-war political candidates and banning guns.
(b) The main characteristics of a peace movement are the sustainability of peace in the world. It is an anti-war movement through diplomacy, law making and democracy etc.
(c) The peace movement aims at maintaining world peace avoiding all kinds of violence and war among the nations of the world. It tries to achieve its goals through non-violent resistance, diplomacy, boycotts etc.
(d) Banning of all nuclear, biological and chemical weapons including non-violent movement can play an important role in securing peace to the world people.
(e) Yes, I think so. Because war creates distrust among the nations of the world by showing military power using dangerous technologies and weapons of mass destruction.
(f) A peace movement is a social movement. It is basically an all-encompassing anti-war movement. Its main goal is to achieve world peace.
(g) The main purpose of peace movement is the sustainability of world peace.
(h) The belief of peace movement is that human beings should not wage war against each other or engage in violent conflicts over language, race, natural resources, religion or ideology.
(i) The media to attain the goal of peace movement are advocacy of pacifism, non-violent resistance, diplomacy, boycotts, demonstrations, peace camps, supporting anti-war political candidates and banning guns, creating open government, direct democracy; supporting people who expose war-crimes or conspiracies to create wars, and making laws.
(j) The line “military power is not the equivalent of justice” means that under military power people do not get fair treatment. People can not express their views freely. So, there is a scope of justice being denied.
(k) The developed countries destroy peace by making destructive weapons and by exporting these weapons to the less developed countries of the world.
(l) Yes, I think so. Because the business of weapons is to create unrest and war among the nations of the world. Moreover, the proliferation of dangerous weapons and technologies lead to biological warfare in the world.
(m) Peace movement is basically an all-encompassing anti-war movement. It is primarily characterized by a belief that human beings should not engage in war or violent conflicts. It is equal to justice and opposes all sorts of proliferation of weapons.
(n) Yes, I think so. Because guns lead to biological war and banning of guns leads to world peace.
(o) Lexically, philanthropist means a person who helps the poor and the needy by giving money. Actually, a philanthropist is he who renders selfless service to the humanity. In order to uphold universal peace William Allen, a philanthropist, formed the London Peace Society otherwise known as the society for the promotion of Permanent and universal peace in 1816.
(p) The nuclear non-proliferation treaty opposes the proliferation of dangerous technologies and weapons of mass destruction including biological warfare.
(q) Olive Leaf Circles is a peace movement formed in 1840s by a group of around 15 to 20 British women to discuss and promote pacifist ideas.
(r) The UN aims at achieving the primary objective to maintain universal peace and resolve inter-state conflicts throughout the world.
(s) In order to achieve peace, advocacy of pacifism, non-violent resistance, diplomacy, boycotts, demonstrations, peace camps, banning guns etc. should be included.
(t) The tendency of the developed countries is to subdue the less ones in different ways politically, economically, ideologically, militarily so that they can not raise their heads to live a peaceful existence.
(u) Peace movement is called anti-war movement as it tends to oppose the proliferation of dangerous technologies and weapons and biological warfare.
(v) Pacifism is opposite to war and violence. It is the belief that war and violence are always wrong to settle disputes.
(w) A pacifist is a person who is against war and violence. A pacifist does not believe in war to resolve conflict rather he is a peace loving person and quiet in nature.
(x) The primary goal of a peace movement is sustainability of peace in the society.
(y) The peace movement tends to oppose the proliferation of dangerous technologies and weapons and biological warfare.
- A flow chart showing the activities of the peace movement is given below.
1. Ending of war | ® | 2. Sustainability of peace | ® | 3. Advocacy of pacifism | ® | 4. Non-violent resistance | ® | 5. Supporting anti-war political candidates | ® | 6. Creating open government |
Or, (i) a social movement (ii) minimizing inter-human violence (iii) Advocacy of pacifism, nonviolent resistance, diplomacy (iv) anti-war movement (v) opposing dangerous weapons and mass destructions (vi) First peace movement (vii) in 1815-1816 (viii) New York Peace Society (ix) 1815 (x) maintaining peace
A peace movement means a non-violent or anti-war movement. It is a social movement. It aims at fixing peace in the society. A peace movement supports pacifism. It tries to achieve its goals through non-violent resistance, diplomacy, boycotts etc. For this reason, many peace organizations were set up. The New York Peace Society, the Massachusetts Peace Society, the London Peace Society,
Olive Leaf Circles etc are some of the organizations. They held regular meetings and produced literature describing the horrors of war. As all want peace and like the principles of non-violence, many organisations like the UN were established afterwards.
HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf 52-56
Solution to Model Question-56

1.A. (a) (ii) effect (b) (i) supporting pacifism (c) (iv) to come together for a formal meeting (d) (iii) David Low Dodge (e) (i) dreadfulness of war (f) (ii) 1815 (g) (iv) theologian (h) (iii) 1816 (i) (ii)15 to 20 (j) (iv) William Allen (k) (i) London (l) (iii) humanitarian (m) (ii) industrious (n) (iv) extraordinary (o) (i) develop (p) (iii) panic (q) (iv) settle
- (a) The primary purpose of peace movement is sustainability of peace in the society. The first peace movement appeared in 1815-1816.
(b) An American theologian named David Low Dodge founded the New York Peace Society in 1815.
(c) The London Peace Society was formed in 1816. It was formed by the philanthropist William Allen to promote permanent and universal peace.
(d) The main purpose of the United Nation is to maintain peace and resolve inter-state conflicts in the world. An example of the activity of the United Nation is the non-prolification treaty among the countries all over the world.
(e) Some peace movements mentioned in the passage are the New York Peace Society, the Massachusetts Peace Society, the London Peace Society, Olive Leaf Circles etc.
(f) There appeared a good many peace movements after the initial peace movement that took place in 1815-1816. The New York Peace society founded by the theologian David Low Dodge in 1815 was the first such movement. Following it the Massachusetts Peace Society came into being. The London Peace Society was formed in 1816 to promote permanent and universal peace. In the 1840s a group of 15 to 20 British women formed ‘Olive Leaf Circles’ to discuss and promote pacifist ideas.
(g) The first International Peace Congress is a convention that was held to uphold peace for the first time. The convention was held in London by the London Peace Society. It was initiated by the American Consul to Birmingham, Elihu Burritt and the Reverened Aerry Richard.
(h) The peace movement tends to oppose the proliferation of dangerous technologies and weapons of mass destruction and particularly nuclear weapons and biological warfare.
(i) The Massachusetts Peace Society became an active organization, holding regular weekly meetings, producing literature and describing the horrors of war and advocating pacifism on Christian grounds.
(j) The ‘Olive Leaf Circles’ was formed in the 1840s by a group of 15 to 20 British women to discuss and promote pacifist ideas.
(k) David Low Dodge was a theologian. He founded the New York Peace Society in the United States in 1815.
(l) The other name of the London Peace Society is the society for the promotion of permanent and Universal Peace.
(m) The London Peace Society, under the initiative of American cousul to Birmingham, Elihu Burritt and the Reverened Henry. Richard convened the first International Peace Congress in London in 1843.
(i) 1815 (ii) Massachusetts Peace Society (iii) Society for the promotion of permanent and universal peace (iv) William Allen (v) 1840s (vi) discussion and promotion or pacifist ideas (vii) mid-19th century (viii) 1843 (ix) London (x) maintenance of peace and resolution of inter-state conflicts
- আরো পড়ুন:HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-30
- আরো পড়ুন:HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-31
- আরো পড়ুন:HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-32
- আরো পড়ুন:HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-034
- আরো পড়ুন:HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf-35
A peace movement means a non-violent or anti-war movement. It is a social movement. It aims at fixing peace in the society. A peace movement supports pacifism. It tries to achieve its goals through non-violent resistance, diplomacy, boycotts etc. For this reason, many peace organizations were set up. The New York Peace Society, the Massachusetts Peace Society,
the London Peace Society, Olive Leaf Circles etc are some of the organizations. They held regular meetings and produced literature describing the horrors of war. As all want peace and like the principles of non-violence, many organisations like the UN were established afterwards.
HSC English1st paper model question with answer pdf 52-56
উক্ত বিষয় সম্পর্কে কিছু জানার থাকলে কমেন্ট করতে পারেন।
আমাদের সাথে ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে যুক্ত হতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন এবং আমাদের সাথে ফেইজবুক পেইজে যুক্ত হতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন। গুরুত্বপূর্ণ আপডেট ও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে ভিজিট করুন।