HSC English 1st Paper Unit Five Lesson 2 Answer শিক্ষার্থীরা NCTB সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী এইচএসসি HSC. English for Today বইয়ে বেশকিছু নতুন বিষয় যুক্ত করা হয়েছে। জাগোরিকে আমাদের নতুন যুক্ত হওয়া উত্তরণ আলোকে Model Question প্রকাশ করেছি। এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় এই পোস্টে তোমরা এইচএসসি HSC english 1st paper Model Question 31. Unit Five: Youthful Achievers. Lesson 2: Affectionate, Lively and Always Smiling Sheikh Kamal PART-1: READING TEST. সম্পর্কে জানতে পারবে। এই প্যাসেজটি নেওয়া হয়েছে, Unit Five: Youthful Achievers এর Lesson-2 (Part-1) থেকে। সম্পূর্ণ Model Question টি তোমরা উত্তরসহ পাবে।
Model Solution 31
Unit Five: Youthful Achievers
Lesson 2: Affectionate, Lively and Always Smiling Sheikh Kamal
HSC English 1st Paper Unit Five Lesson 2 Answer
- A.(a) ii.surely (b) iv. Entertain (c) i. ardent (d) i. Sometime in 1970 (e) i. Waving him affectionately (f) iii. Bangabandhu motivated us (g) ii. unavoidably (h) iii. to make a promise (i) iv. both i and iii (j) ii. exercises unlimited governmental power
- (a) The author would appreciate Sheikh Kamal because he invited the author to attend the meeting to Savar. By attending that meeting, the author met Bangabandhu for the first time.
(b) Someday in 1970 Sheikh Kamal invited the author to his house. There he met Bangabandhufor the first time. Bangabandhu made time to greet him affectionately with smiling face.
HSC English First Paper Unit 5 Lesson 4: Scaling a
(c) Sheikh Kamal would greet his friends before they attempted to greet him. He had a trademark smile, warm and welcoming. This helped him to cultivate friends.
(d) The Savar visit was very special to the author because through that visit the author saw Bangabandhu directly. He was amazed hearing the eloquence, golden voice and rhetoric of Bangabandhu.
(e) Yahya Khan was a military dictator of the then Pakistan. After the fall of Ayub Khan.he was replaced in that position. He pledged to restore democracy but in vain.

- 1. Expected to be kind→ 2. speaking no harsh words → 3. taking special care of children → 4. be supportive → 5. ensuring pleasant and learning friendly environment →6.allowing children much freedom
- Adolescence is the most important stage for a child to reach adulthood. The mental and psychological attitudes and behaviors of an individual are basically shaped in this very stage. As childhood is the potential preparation for adulthood, it is also a time of considerable risks during which social contexts exert powerful influences. So adolescents should be taught about the very issues related to adolescence so that their physical, mental and psychological development can be smoother.
- (a) into (b) the (c) customs (d) influence (e) integrated (f) interacting (g) own (h) in (i) intruding (j) is
5.(a) future (b) policeman (c) in (d) told (e) months (f) of (g) him (h) of (i) since (j) began/started
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
e | c | j | a | i | b | h | d | f | g |
- The graph below shows the literacy rate of Bangladesh in different years from 1995-2010. Now, describe the chart in 80 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the chart.
The graph shows the fluctuation of the literacy rate of Bangladesh in some selective years since 1995. The graph reveals that the literacy rate of Bangladesh since 1995 fluctuates from 38.1% to 56.8%. In 1995 the rate was only 38.1% but in 2000. it rose up to 56% (within 5 years). But in the next year (2000 to 2001) the literacy rate of our country was on the wane. In 2001 the rate came down to 47.9% which was 8.1% less than the previous survey. The next two years (2001-2003) was the last segment of decreasing of literacy rate in Bangladesh.
In those two years, the rate reduced by 4.8% declining the rate to 43.1% only. It is the last indicator with negative impression. But if we look at the last indicator in 2010, we can find a positive change. In these seven years (2003-2010), the literacy rate of Bangladesh got a significant increase of 13.7%. And in 2010 the literacy rate came up to 56.8% which is the highest rate indicated in the graph. It is also significant that from 1995 to 2010 (in 15 years) the literacy rate of Bangladesh rises 18.7% in total.
Complete the given story following the clue :
There was an old house in a village. A number of mice lived in that house. They were doing a lot of mischief there. The master of the house was very annoyed and made a plan …..
Who will Bell the Cat?
There was an old house in a village. A number of mice lived in that house. They were doing a lot of mischief there. The master of the house was very annoyed and made a plan. He brought a cat to drive the rats away. The rats were deprived of their precious facilities. Besides, they failed to run the risk of their own lives. They were being suddenly and frequently killed by the cat. Finding no alternative of saving themselves, all the mice sat together in a conference. Most of them present in the conference argued and contrived in many ways. Towards the uncompromised finishing of the conference a young rat vigorously stood up and said that a bell might be tied round the neck of the cat so that they could be easily aware of the sudden appearance of the cat to escape themselves then and there. All clapped merrily seconding him. But soon after this, an old mouse said.” The proposal of the young lad is good and very good, I support. But who will bell the cat”?
At this all were stone still. There was a pin drop silence in the conference. The meeting ended with no decision and the mice eventually migrated to save their own lives.
9.Suppose, you are Arif/Afifa from Patuakhali. You have a friend named Masud/Masuda living at 9. Station Road, Dhaka. He/She is a student of class X but he/she is not interested at all to learn English. Now, write a letter to him/her about the importance of learning English in all stages of life.
12 November 2022
Dear Masud,
I am happy to learn that you have cut very good figure in every subject except English in the half yearly examination. Hearing it. I talked to your English teacher over phone. He informed me that you are quite deficient in English and you are not interested in learning English. It is very disappointing. You know that English is an international language. Wherever you go, you need English and the importance of English in our day to day life is indescribable in words. English is used in every sector.
HSC English First Paper Unit 5 Lesson 4: Scaling a
International community and business world use English to communicate across national borders. Today, more than 80% of all the information in the world’s computer is in English. So organizations frequently need employees who are adept in English. It is true that English helps one to get good jobs and better salaries. So I advise you to be serious in learning English. No more today. Take care of your health.
Your friend
উক্ত বিষয় সম্পর্কে কিছু জানার থাকলে কমেন্ট করতে পারেন।
আমাদের সাথে ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে যুক্ত হতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন এবং আমাদের সাথে ফেইজবুক পেইজে যুক্ত হতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন। গুরুত্বপূর্ণ আপডেট ও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে ভিজিট করুন।