শিক্ষার্থীরা NCTB সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী এইচএসসি HSC English 1st Paper Exclusive Suggestion Preposition সহ বেশকিছু নতুন Exclusive Suggestion বিষয় যুক্ত করা হয়েছে। জাগোরিকে আমাদের নতুন যুক্ত হওয়া উত্তরণ আলোকে Exclusive Suggestion With Answer Sheet প্রকাশ করেছি। এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় এই পোস্টে তোমরা এইচএসসি HSC – English 1st Paper Exclusive Suggestion Topic: Preposition. সম্পর্কে জানতে পারবে। এই প্যাসেজটি নেওয়া হয়েছে, সম্পূর্ণ Exclusive Suggestion (With Answer Sheet) টি তোমরা উত্তরসহ পাবে।
HSC English 1st Paper Exclusive Suggestion Preposition
1. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Newspaper is the people’s parliament. It contains the news and views (a) —— what happens (b) —— the world. The newspaper plays a vital role (c) —— modern civilization. We must have the habit (d) —— reading newspaper daily. It helps us (e) —— acquiring knowledge which is essential (f) —— our education. Nobody can keep contact (g) —— the outside world (h) —— reading newspaper. So, we must have touch (i) —— the newspaper (j) enriching our knowledge.
HSC English1st Exclusive Suggestion Righ form of Verbs
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
A pious man has firm faith (a) —— Allah. He believes (b) —— the sayings of the holy Prophet (Sm). He is not addicted (c) —— any evil. Rather he is devoted (d) —— good deeds. He always thinks (e) —— others welfare. He is not harmful (f) —— anyone. He mixes (g) —— all. He leads his life according (h) —— the rules of religion. He values religion (i) —— everything. He is very conscious (j) —— his duties.
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Emperor Shah Jahan (a) —— Delhi built the Taj Mahal. It is a tomb (b) —— his wife in Agra. The building is made (c) —— fine white marble. It rests (d) —— a platform. Four white towers rise (e) —— the corners of the terrace. There is a large dome (f) —— the centre. There is an open corridor (g) —— which visitors can look (h) —— carved marble screens (i)——a central room. The Taj Mahal is surrounded (j) —— a beautiful garden. There is a long pool in front of the building.
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
21st February is a red-letter day (a) —— the history of Bangladesh (b) —— this day in 1952 (c) —— half a dozen young souls sacrificed their lives (d) —— making Bangla one of the state languages (e) —— Pakistan. But the blood spilt was not (f) —— vain. In 1956 the first Constitution (g) —— Pakistan recognized this demand. This day was observed (h) —— Shaheed Dbosh in Bangladesh (i) —— 1999, But now (j) —— many other international days. 21″ February is observed worldwide as the international Mother Language Day.
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Jery was a twelve yearS old boy who lived (a) —— the oplhanage. The authoress cabin belonged (b) —— the orphanage. Jerry came (c) —— the cabin to chop wood (d) —— the authoress, He also did some extra work (e) —— the convenience (f) —— the authoress. Once he found a cubbyhole, where he put some kindling and medium wood so that the writer might get dry materials ready in case (g) —— sudden wet weaher. The authoress was pleased (h) —— him. When she gave him some candy or apples, he used to keep silent. He expressed his gratitude (i) —— looking (j) —— the giftand the authoress.
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
The Olympic Games were named (a) —— the towi of Olympla (b) —— Greece. I was (c) —— Olympia where the games were first held long betore theChristian era began. In those days, Greece was divided (d) —— many cities and men of different cities were imvolved (e) —— fightung with one another. A man named Iphitos became concerned (f) —— such wasteful strife. He hit (g) —— a plan. He invited the best athletes (h) —— the nearby cities (i) —— the valley of Olympia to take part in athletic contests. For a long time, the Greek warriors, instead of fighting their neighbors, tried to outdo their rivals (j) —— finiendly games and sports.
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
The shup sailed out (a) —— the icy waters (b) —— another sea, Day after day, the sailors stayed (c) —— that silent sea. It was like a painted ship (d) —— a painted ocean. There was no cloud in the sky to guard them. (e) —— the burning Sun, The other sailors were very angry (f) —— the old man, They blamed him (g) —— their sufterings. So, they hung the dead Abatross (h) —— his neck. They were nlled (i) —— fear and there was not a breath (j) —— Wind.

- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
(a) —— Bangladesh, the legal age (b) —— marriage is 18 (c) —— girls and 21 for boys. However, 33 percent of adolescent girls are married (d) ——the age of 15 and 60 percent become mothers (e) —— the age of 19. Research finds that adolescents (f) —— higher level of education and (g) —— more affluent families tend (h) —— marry at a later age. Boys, however, become ready (i) —— marriage only (j) —— several years of and young adulthood.
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Communicative language teaching requires student’s active involvement (a) —— developing skill, but here it is absent (b) —— the classroom. The learners want to study (c) —— the cause (d) —— examination preparation. The teachers (e) —— the classroom are also (f) —— favour (g) —— it. They talk (h) —— the examination and teach them how (i) —— prepare (j) —— the test. Eventually it cannot help the students acquire language skills.
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Love (a) —— one’s country is known as patriotism. Every man should have a great love (b) —— his country. Many (c) —— our freedom fighters sacrificed their lives (d) —— 1971 (e) —— the sake (f) —— our country. Due (g) —— this noble virtue (h) —— present, there are some people who are working relentlessly (i) —— the sake (j) —— our country because they love our country.
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Corruption is a curse (a) —— a nation. It is a great hindrance (b)l the development. (c) —— corrupt people, a nation will surely sink (d) —— oblivion. Corrupt people are hated by all. The common people have no respect (e) —— them. They are devoid (f) —— honesty. They stick (g)—— —— their evil activities. They do not abide (h) —— the social rules. Morality does not have any effect (i) —— them. They bring nothing for the nation. It is high time we stood (j) —— them.
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
An honest man is true (a) —— his word. He does not deviate (b) —— he path of honesty. He knows that true happiness consists (c) —— honesty. So he does not fall victim (d) —— greed. He does not hanker (e) —— money. An honest man abstains himself (f) —— corruption. He does not associate (g) —— corrupt people. He derives pleasure (h) —— good activities. He does not aspire (i) —— wealth and always keeps himself aloof (j) —— greedy people.
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
A good student never learns things (a) —— rote. He is very cautious (b) —— his studies and always adheres (c) —— his lessons and texts. He does not leam (d) —— traditional guide books. He prepares notes (e) —— taking help (f) his teachers. He abides (g) —— his teachers’ advice and jot (h) —— their lectures, He makes the best use (i) his time and concentrate (j) his studies according to his daily routine.

- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
It is known (a) —— all that one day all will pass away (b) —— this earth, So, we have no escape (c) —— death. One day we all will roll down (d) —— the icy lap of death. Because death is common (e) —— all. So, we should not mourn (f) —— the dead. But those who die (g) —— the country are immortal. Their memories do not sink (h) —— oblivion. There is no medicine that can save a man (i) —— death. So, we should always ready (j) —— death.
HSC English 1st Paper Exclusive Suggestion with Answer
- Complete the text with suitable prepositions.
Smoking is a bad habit. The danger of smoking is (a) —— description. All know that smoking is injurious (b) —— health. People addicted (c) —— smoking suffer (d) —— many disease. But many people do not abstain (e) —— smoking. They are not careful (f) —— their health. It is hoped that smokers should give (g) —— smoking. (h) —— the long run smokers succumb (i) —— many disease. So, we should campaign (j) —— smoking.
উক্ত বিষয় সম্পর্কে কিছু জানার থাকলে কমেন্ট করতে পারেন।
আমাদের সাথে ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে যুক্ত হতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন এবং আমাদের সাথে ফেইজবুক পেইজে যুক্ত হতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন। গুরুত্বপূর্ণ আপডেট ও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে ভিজিট করুন।