শিক্ষার্থীরা NCTB সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী এইচএসসি HSC English 1st Exclusive with Answer Letter Writing Part সহ বেশকিছু নতুন Exclusive Suggestion বিষয় যুক্ত করা হয়েছে। জাগোরিকে আমাদের নতুন যুক্ত হওয়া উত্তরণ আলোকে Exclusive Suggestion With Answer Sheet প্রকাশ করেছি। এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় এই পোস্টে তোমরা এইচএসসি HSC English 1st Exclusive with Answer Letter Writing Part Topic: Letter Writing Part. সম্পর্কে জানতে পারবে। এই প্যাসেজটি নেওয়া হয়েছে, সম্পূর্ণ Exclusive Suggestion (With Answer Sheet) টি তোমরা উত্তরসহ পাবে।
HSC English 1st Exclusive with Answer Letter Writing Part
Complaint letter:
- To the word councilor complaining against for antisocial activities/ deteriorating law and order situation/ Drug addiction/ extortionists/ teenage gang/eve teasing.
- To chairman/ Mayor/councilor complaining about insufficient water supply/ frequent power failure
- Complaining against damaged goods/missing goods/ unusable items
- To the ward councilor about mosquito menace in your locality.
Seeking information letter:
- Asking about the admission procedure for overseas students/ information about the course.
- Asking for information about the terms and conditions to get the loan.
- Asking for detailed information about the job.
Formal tetter
- To District Commissioner for ensuring social distancing in crowded area during covid-19 Pandemic.
- To the Principal to change one of your elective subjects.
- To the Principal not to allow any student or teacher to use cell phone in the classroom/ examination hall.
- To the Principal for enhancing facilities in the college library/common room/canteen/ multimedia facilities.
HSC English1st Paper Suggestion Completing sentence
- To the Principal for setting up a college library/common room / auditorium/ canteen / hostel.
- To the UNO/DC for sending immediately relief for the flood-affected people.
- To the Principal for a seat in the college hostel.
- To the principal to take some extra class / online class.
Answer Sheet
- To District Commissioner for ensuring social distancing in crowded area during covid-19 Pandemic.
12November, 2023
The District Commissioner, Barisal.
Subject: Request to maintain social distance during the COVID-19 period.
Submitting with due to respect that, I am a resident of Barisal district. All our lives have come to a standstill during the Corona period. But we are all forced to go out on the streets to work for the sake of livelihood. But it is very sad that even in this epidemic, there is not enough awareness among people. Since the corona virus can be transmitted from one person to another, we should all practice social distancing. By doing this we can reduce the spread of Corona to a great extent.
Therefore, an urgent request to you, make it mandatory to maintain a distance of at least 3 feet in the movement of people everywhere in Barisal district – especially in schools, colleges and markets.
Your faithful,
Belal Hossain,
Barisal Sadar Upazila, Barisal.
- To the Principal to change one of your elective subjects.
22 August, 2023
The Principal,
Courstika Online School and College.
Subject: Prayer for the change of elective subject.
Dear Sir,
I have the honour to state that I am student of class XI of science group in your college. I took up physics and Mathematics as my elective subject at the time of my admission. I hoped that I would obtain high marks in Mathematics. But now Mathematics seems very difficult to me. Moreover, I find no interest in Mathematics though I enjoy reading Biology. So, I would like to take up Biology instead of Mathematics. I have also taken such a decision consulting my teachers.
I would, therefore, request you to give me an opportunity to change my elective subject so that I can go on with my studies without any interruption.
Yours sincerely-
Sujon Ahmed
Class : XI
Group : Science
Roll : 191
Courstika Online School and College.
- To the Principal not to allow any student or teacher to use cell phone in the classroom/ examination hall.
HSC English1st Suggestion Use of Phrases and Words
10 May, 2023
The Principal,
City College, Khulna
Subject : Application for not allowing any student or teacher to use cell phone in the classroom/ in the examination hall
We, the students of your college, beg to state that ours is one of the best colleges in the district. But the college at present is suffering from a problem. The problem is the use of cell phone in the classroom and in the examination hall. We cannot pay attention (g‡bv‡hvM) to the class due to this problem. As a result, it hampers our study. Moreover, in the examination hall our concentration lapses (¯§„wZMZ weåvwšÍ NUv) when a teacher or a student uses it.
I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to solve this problem and oblige thereby.
Obediently yours
On behalf of the students of class XII
City College, Khulna
- To the Principal for enhancing facilities in the college library/common room/canteen/ multimedia facilities.
4 May, 2023
The Principal,
Ideal Scholl and College, Comilla.
Subject : Application for increasing facilities in the common room
We, the students of your college, would like to state that ours is a well-known college in our district. But there are not enough opportunities for indoor games and reading magazines or newspapers in our common room. So, most of the students pass their time gossiping or moving here and there during leisure.
We, therefore, hope that you will take necessary steps to increase the facilities in the common room and oblige thereby.
Obediently yours
On behalf of the students of class XII
Ideal Scholl and College, Comilla.
Or, Write an application to the Principal of your college for increasing/ expanding library facilities.
18 May, 2023
The Principal,
Pioneer College, Sylhet
Subject : Application for increasing/ expanding library facilities
With due respect I, on behalf of the students, would like to state that we have a library in our college but there is lack of enough facilities. The reading rooms are small and are not well-furnished. Books, chairs, benches and daily newspapers are not adequate (ch©vß).
I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to increase the library facilities and oblige thereby.
Yours obediently
Roll no 4
Class XI [Science Group]
On behalf of the students of Pioneer College, Sylhet.

Or, Write an application to the principal of your college for increasing multimedia facilities in the classrooms.
The Principal ,
Dhaka City Women’s College, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
Subject : Application for increasing multimedia facilities in the classrooms.
With due respect, I beg to state that ours is a prominent college in the city. But it’s a matter of great regret that we have no modern facility in our classrooms. A large number of students have to attend the classes without getting adequate learning facilities. We need various kinds of learning and multimedia facilities. It will help us to be more concentrated on our study and to keep pace with the modern age.
I, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to grant the application and oblige thereby.
Your most obedient pupil
On behalf of the students of
Dhaka City Women’s College, Dhaka.
- To the Principal for setting up a college library/common room / auditorium/ canteen / hostel.
4 May, 2023
The Principal,
Mohanagar Ideal School and College, Dhaka
Subject : Application for setting up a canteen
We, the students of your college, beg most respectfully to state that there is no canteen in our college campus. We have to stay here for six hours. We cannot pass this long period without taking any food. So we have to eat something during the leisure time. Many students take their food from the road side hotels which are very dirty and unhygienic. As a result, many students suffer from stomach upset.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to set up a canteen in our college campus and oblige thereby.
Obediently yours
The students of Mohanagar Ideal School and College, Dhaka.
Or. To the Principal for setting up a college library.
20 June, 2023
The Principal ,
A.K School and College.
Dania, Dhaka.
Subject: Prayer for setting up a library
We, the students of your school, would like to bring to your kind notice the fact that there is no library in our school. Certainly, a library is part and parcel of a college. It is called the store-house of knowledge. In a college library, students can prepare their important class-notes as well as acquire knowledge by reading out-of-text books during their leisure and off-periods. But in want of a library, we are deprived of this opportunity. So, it is very essential to set up a library in our college.
We, therefore, pray that you would take necessary measures to set up a library with a rich collection of books as soon as possible.
I remain,
Your most obedient pupils
On behalf of The students of A.K High School and College.
Or. To the Principal for setting up a common room
20 November, 2023
The headmaster,
Sadar Girls School and College, Comilla.
Subject: Application for a common room.
I, the students of your college, would like to inform you that we have no common room in our college. As a result, we have to face many problems. We just gossip and wander around at the break. Had there been a common room, the students could have passed the time reading newspapers, magazines etc. and playing various indoor games. In fact, a common room is the centre of amusement, recreation, and refreshment. So, we keenly feel the necessity of opening a common room in the college.
I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to open a common room in our college and oblige thereby.
Sincerely yours,
The students of Sadar Girls School and College, Comilla.
Or. To the Principal for setting up an auditorium.
1st January, 2023
The headmaster/Principal
Manipur High School and College, Dhaka
Subject: Application for opening an auditorium
Dear Sir,
We are happy to remind you that ours is a big college with about five thousand students. But we regret to say that there is no hall -room/auditorium in our college. Your students are very fond of cultural activities. But we are unable to hold any cultural function in our college for want of a proper room to utilize.
We, therefore, hope that you will take necessary steps in this regard and oblige us thereby.
Sincerely yours,
All the students of your Manipur High School and College, Dhaka.
- To the UNO/DC for sending immediately relief for the flood-affected people.
14 May, 2023
The TNO,
Muktagacha, Mymensingh
Subject: Application for the sanction of relief goods
We, the inhabitants of Kanpara under Muktagacha Union Parishad, have the honour to state that we are the victims of recent flood. The flood water washed away the stores of food stuffs and left the people in grief and starvation. The breaking out of epidemic is a matter of hours.
Under the above circumstances, your honour is requested to sanction sufficient food grains and relief goods for the people of this flood affected area.
Yours faithfully,
Akram Hossen
On behalf of the people of Muktagacha, Mymensingh
7 . To the Principal for a seat in the college hostel.
10 May, 2023
The Principal,
City College, Chittagong
Subject : An application praying for a seat in the college hostel
I have the honour to state that I am a student of 1st Year, Science group in this college. I am badly in need of a seat in the college hostel as my father, a government employee, has recently been transferred from Chittagong to Chandpur. Our family will leave Chittagong on the 15th instant.
Under the above circumstances your honour is requested to arrange a seat for me in the college hostel before the 15th instant and oblige thereby.
Yours obediently
Faruk Hossain
Class XI, Science, Roll No. 2

- To the principal to take some extra class/online class.
10 December, 2023
The Principal
Courstika Online School and College.
Subject: Prayer for arranging some extra classes on English.
Dear Sir,
We have the honour to state that we are going to sit for the HSC examinations this year. We have only about six months’ time in hand until the commencement of the examination. We are going on well with other subjects but most of us did worse in English in the previous college tests. Besides, scheduled classes are not sufficient for those of us who are weak in English. It would be a great help for us if you arrange some extra classes on English to remove our weakness in this particular subject. We believe that our strength in English will lead us to good results.
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to realize our problem and take necessary steps immediately for the arrangement of extra classes on English for the laggards.
Yours sincerely –
Sujon Ahmed
On behalf of the students of class XII, Courstika Online School and College.