English | Unseen Passage for Class 8 with Answers 81-85 | PDF: This an important discussion on unseen passage with an answer sheet for class eight English subject so read the post carefully.
81. Feni Govt. Pilot High School, Feni
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions 4 & 5.
[80 bs Passage-wU †`L|]
- Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.
Who/What | Event/Activity | Where/Place | When |
Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir | (i) ……………… | Rahimgonj village under Babuganj Upazilla. | 7 March 1949 |
He | (ii) ……………… | Barisal BM College | |
He | (iii) …………….. | Statistic department in Dhaka University | 1967 |
He | obtained commissioned rank | (iv) ……………. | |
He | was killed | (v) …………….. | 14 December 1971 |
- Read the passage again and write true or false beside the following statements. Give answers for the false statements.
(a) Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir was a freedom fighter.
(b) He was a student of Dhaka University.
(c) He fled away from the war field.
(d) He was a betraya.
(e) He was a pilot officer.
82. Gaibandha Govt. Boys’ High School, Gaibandha
Read the following text carefully and answer questions 4 and 5.
Alexander Fleming was born in Dyrshire on August 6, 1881 in Scotland. He was the 3rd of the four children. He attended a medical college in London and graduated in medicine in 1906. Fleming assisted in battle field hospitals during the World War I from 1911 to 1918.
There he observed many people dying of infection. Once the war was over, Fleming looked for medicine that would heal infection. Then he came back to his laboratory and carried out a lot of experiment to get a cure for infection. At last he was successful in his mission. At last he invented Penicillin in 1928. He died in 1955 in London.
- Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.
Who | Event | When/Time |
Alexander Fleming | born | (a)………………. century. |
Penicillin | discovered | at the age of (b)………… |
(c)……………. | worked in battlefield hospitals | seven years. |
He | (d)…………. | at the age of 25 |
He | breathed his last | (e)……………… |
- Read the passage again and write true or false. Give answer for the false statements.
- a) He graduated in medicine at the age of 26.
- b) At last he came out victorious in his mission.
- c) Heart disease was the cause of his death.
- d) His observation was wrong.
- e) Penicillin is a cure for infection.
83. Dawood Public School, Jessore Cantt., Jessore
Read the following text carefully and answer questions 4 and 5.
The Chinese usually pass their free time visiting the parks. In China there are a lot of nice, clean parks for people to spend their time in. The Japanese love to spend their free time in games and sports. Baseball, golf and martial arts such as judo and karate are favourite sports to men.
In Canada, skiing is a popular sport in which people spend their free time during the winter. In summer they love to go fishing, boating or swimming in places where there are large lakes or sea beaches. The Germans like to pass their leisure by traveling.
They want to have a trip outside the country just for pleasure and relaxation. However, whatever the country is one leisure activity is common to people of all the countries i.e. watching television.
- Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.
Complete name | Pastime-1 | Pastime-2 |
China | (i)……………………… | watching TV |
(ii)……………….. | games and sports | |
Canada | skiing | (iii)……………….. |
(iv)………………. | travelling | (v)………………… |
- Read the passage again and write true or false. Give answer for the false statements.
- a) The Chinese love visiting parks in their pastime.
- b) There are a few parks in China to spend free time.
- c) Men are fond of playing baseball, gold, judo, karate etc. in China.
- d) In summer, Canadian people love to go fishing in the pastime.
- e) Watching television is a common leisure activity in Germany.
English Unseen Passage for Class 8 with Answers PDF
84. Khulna Public College, Khulna
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions 4 & 5.
Bangladesh is an independent country. It came into being in 1971. It did not come automatically. In 1947 Pakistan became independent consisting of East and West Pakistan. Bangladesh was then East Pakistan. From the very beginning West Pakistan tried to exploit us.
They tried to deprive us of the mother language. In 1952 we established our right through Language Movement. Later the election of 1954, the Education Movement of 1962, Mass Movement of 1969 and the Election of 1970 were our glorious achievements.
In 1971 the military govt. did not transfer the power to the majority party. Rather on 25th March 1971 the Pak Army started killing Bangalees brutally. As a result, our War of Freedom began. On 17 April, Acting Govt. of Bangladesh was formed at Meherpur.
The members of Army, Navy, Police, E.P.R. of East Pakistan and young people joined the freedom fight. After nine months of struggle we were able to achieve complete independence defeating the Pakistan Army on 16 December, 1971. The 16th December is our Victory Day.
- Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.
What/Event | Where | How/by | When |
Independence | Bangladesh | glorious | (i)………………. |
(ii)…………. | Bangladesh | 1952 | |
Acting Govt. of Bangladesh | (iii)……………….. | 17 April | |
16th December | Bangladesh | (iv)…………… | |
Mass Movement | Bangladesh | glorious | (v)…………….. |
- Read the passage again and write true or false. Give answer for the false statements.
- a) Bangladesh was under domination of Pakistan before 1971.
- b) We fought against Pakistan for nine months.
- c) Our war of independence was the outcome of their exploitation.
- d) Bangladesh became independent in 1952.
- e) From the beginning West Pakistan tried to support us.
85. Khulna Govt. Girls’ High School, Khulan
Read the following text carefully and answer questions 4 and 5.
In 1912 an American shipping company launched a new ship called the Titanic. It was the largest and most luxurious ocean liner of that time. It weighed 46,000 tones and could carry about 2,200 passengers. Experts said that nothing could sink it. It was definitely unsinkable.
On April 14, 1912 the ship sailed on its first voyage across the Atlantic from Southampton in England to New York in the United States with 2,224 passengers- men, women and children. On April 15, just before midnight, the ship struck and iceberg. The iceberg tore a great hole in the ship’s side and unsinkable ‘Titanic’ began to sink.
- Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.
A | B |
The launching year of Titanic | (i)…………….. |
(ii)………………… | 46,000 tones |
The date of the first voyage of the Titanic | (iii)………………. |
(iv)……………… | 2,224 |
The Titanic sank on | (v)………………….. |
- Read the passage again and write true or false. Give answer for the false statements.
- a) The ‘Titanic’ was unsinkable.
- b) The ‘Titanic’ was sailing from east to west.
- c) It sailed from New York to Southampton.
- d) The ‘Titanic’ was made by an English company.
- e) Nothing could sink the ‘Titanic’.
- অষ্টম শ্রেণি-JSC এর অনুধাবনমূলক প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর
- JSC : শরৎচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়‘র জীবনী ও জ্ঞানমূলক প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর
- JSC : শরৎচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়‘র জীবনী ও সৃজনশীল প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর
- JSC : শরৎচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়‘র জীবনী ও সৃজনশীল প্রশ্নোত্তর
- অষ্টম শ্রেণি: শরৎচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়‘র জীবনী ও সৃজনশীল প্রশ্নোত্তর
81. Feni Govt. Pilot High School, Feni
4. (i) was born; (ii) finished his HSC; (iii) was admitted; (iv) 1968; (v) on the bank of the Mohananda River.
5. (a) True.
(c)False. He fought bravely against the enemies and was killed
(d)False. He was a patriot.
(e)False. He was an officer in the Bangladesh Army.
82. Gaibandha Govt. Boys’ High School, Gaibandha
4. (i) 18th; (b) 47; (c) Alexander Fleming; (d) graduated in Medicine; (e) 1955.
5. (a) False. He graduated in Medicine at the age of 25.
(c)False. Heart failure was the cause of his death.
(d)False. His observation was right.
83. Dawood Public School, Jessore Cantt., Jessore
4. (i) visiting the parks; (ii) Japanese; (iii) fishing; (iv) Germany; (v) watching television.
5. (a) True.
(b)False. There are a lot of nice, clean parks in China to spend free time.
(c)False. Men are fond of playing baseball, golf, judo, karate etc. in Japan.
(e)False. Watching television in a common leisure activity all over the world.
84. Khulna Public College, Khulna
4. (i) 1971; (ii) Language Movement; (iii) Meherpur; (iv) Defeating Pak army; (v) 1969.
5. (a) True.
(d)False. She became independent in 1971.
(e)False. They always tried to exploit us.
85. Khulna Govt. Girls’ High School, Khulan
4. (i) 1912; (ii) Titanic weighed; (iii) April 14, 1912; (iv) The number of the passengers of the Titanic; (v) April 15, 1912.
5. (a) False. According to the expert, the Titanic was unsinkable. But it sank.
(c)False. It sailed from Southampton to New York.
(d)False. The Titanic was made by an American shipping company.
(e)False. The experts opined that nothing could sink the Titanic.
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