Class 5 | English | Unseen Passage | Question Type 5 – 9 | Part 14: This is an important discussion on the English Unseen Passage (Question Type 5 – 9) with Answers for class five English subject so read the post carefully.
Unseen Passage 14
Read the text and answer the questions 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was ill. One day he was studying by his sick mother. All on a sudden his mother woke up and told her son to give her a glass of water. Bayazid took the glass to take water from the pitcher. But the pitcher was empty.
There was not a single drop of water in the house. Bayazid could remember a stream. But it was far from his house and was in one corner of the village. The night was dark. Bayazid took the pitcher and went to fetch water from the stream. When he returned with water he found his mother in deep sleep. Bayazid thought that if he waked his mother, she might feel disturbed.
So, he decided to stand beside his mother’s bed with the glass of water. When she woke up, he would give her the water. The whole night passed. Bayazid’s mother opened eyes in the morning and saw her son standing night with a glass of water in hand.
Seeing that, her eyes became full of tears. She took him in her arms with motherly affection and blessed him from her heart. Her blessing made him a great saint later.
অনুবাদ : বায়েজিদ ছিল একটি ছোট বালক। তার মা অসুস্থ ছিলেন। একদিন সে তার অসুস্থ মায়ের পাশে বসে পড়াশোনা করছিল। হঠাৎ তার মা জেগে উঠলেন এবং তার ছেলেকে এক গøাস পানি দিতে বললেন। বায়েজিদ কলস থেকে পানি আনতে একটি গøাস নিল। কিন্তু কলসটি ছিল শূন্য। বাড়িতে এক ফোঁটাও পানি ছিল না।
বায়েজিদ একটি ঝরনার কথা স্মরণ করল। কিন্তু এটি ছিল তার বাড়ি থেকে অনেক দূরে এবং গ্রামের এক কোণে। অন্ধকার রাত্রি। বায়েজিদ কলসটি নিল এবং ঝরনা থেকে পানি আনতে গেল। যখন সে পানি নিয়ে ফিরল তখন সে তার মাকে গভীর নিদ্রাচ্ছন্ন দেখল। বায়েজিদ ভাবল যদি সে তার মাকে জাগায় তাহলে তিনি হয়ত বিরক্ত বোধ করবেন। তাই সে তার মায়ের বিছানার পাশে পানির গøাস হাতে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকার সিদ্ধান্ত নিল।
যখন তিনি জেগে উঠবেন তখন সে তার মাকে পানি দিবে। সমস্ত রাত কেটে গেল। ‘বায়েজিদের মা’ সকালে চোখ খুললেন এবং তার ছেলেকে এক গøাস পানি হাতে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকতে দেখলেন। এটা দেখে তার চোখ পানিতে ভরে গেল। তিনি তাকে তার মাতৃসুলভ স্নেহে বুকে টেনে নিলেন এবং তার অন্তর থেকে তাকে আশীর্বাদ করলেন। তার আশীর্বাদ তাকে পরবর্তীতে একজন বড় সাধক বানিয়েছিল।
- Write only the question number and the answer letter on the answer paper.
(i) Why was Bayazid standing by the side of his ailing mother? a
A. For her illness
B. For her security
C. For her weakness
D. For her patience
(ii) Bayazid’s mother woke up ————. b
A. instantly
B. suddenly
C. occasionally
D. regularly
(iii) How was the night? a
A. Dark
B. Light
C. Gray
D. Moonlit
(iv) Where was the stream? b
A. In the heart of the village
B. In one corner of the village
C. In the middle of the village
D. At the beginning of the village
(v) Bayazid did not want to ————. c
A. help his mother
B. bring water
C. disturb his mother
D. annoy his mother
(vi) Bayazid waited ————. c
A. till evening
B. whole day
C. whole night
D. a day
(vii) With what was Bayazid standing the whole night? a
A. A glass of water
B. A glass
C. A pitcher
D. A pot
(viii) After returning Bayazid found his mother ————. a
A. in deep sleep
B. ill
C. awaken
D. opened eyes
(ix) Bayazid’s mother’s eyes became full of tears because ————. d
A. he did not bring water
B. he misbehaved with his mother
C. he did not take care of her
D. he stood beside her the whole night with a glass of water
(x) Bayazid’s mother’s blessing made him ————. c
A. a great doctor
B. a great prophet
C. a great saint
D. a great scholar
Additional Questions :
(xi) Bayazid’s mother woke up ————. b
A. instantly
B. suddenly
C. occasionally
D. regularly
(xii) How was the night? a
A. Dark
B. Light
C. Gray
D. Moonlit
(xiii) Bayazid did not want to ————. c
A. help his mother
B. bring water
C. disturb his mother
D. take the pitcher
(xiv) Find the imperative sentence in the following sentences. a
A. Let me do the work
B. How are you
C. She decided to go
D. What a pity
(xv) Identify the past simple in the following sentences. c
A. He plays football
B. I will be a doctor
C. They posted the letter
D. We are going to font
- Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box below. There arfe three extra words which you need not use.
fell | wondered | whole | woke |
saint | rise | man | happy |
- a) Bayazid Bostami was a great ¾¾.
- b) Bayazid stood beside his mother ¾¾
- c) Again his mother ¾¾
- d) In the morning, his mother ¾¾
- e) She was ¾¾ to see Bayazid standing with a glass of water.
Ans. a) saint; b) whole; c) fell; d) wokel; e) wondered.
Additional Question
glass | pitcher | found | was |
whole | one | night | day |
- a) His mother ¾¾
- b) Bayazid ¾¾ no water in the house.
- c) Bayazid was standing the ¾¾
- d) He brought water with a ¾¾.
- e) Teh stream is in ¾¾ corner of the village.
Ans. a) was; b) found; c) whole; d) pitcher; e) one.
- Answer the following questions.
- a) Who was Bayazid Bostami?
Ans. Bayazid Bostami was a great saint.
- b) Why was his mother surprised to see Bayazid?
Ans. His mother was surprised to see Bayazid because Bayazid stood beside her bed holding a glass of water whole night.
- c) What did Bayazid’s mother ask him?
Ans. Bayazid’s mother asked him to give her a glass of water.
- d) From Where did he bring water?
Ans. He brought water from a distant fountain.
- e) What did Bayazid do with the glass of water?
Ans. Bayazid stood beside his mother’s bed with the glass of water.
Additional Questions :
- f) Where was Bayazid studying?
Ans. Bayazid was studying by his sick mother.
- g) Who wanted water?
Ans. Bayazid’s mother wanted water.
- h) How much water was in the pitcher?
Ans. There was no water in the pitcher.
- i) Why didn’t Bayazid wake his mother up?
Ans. Bayazid did not wake his mother up because he thought that she might feel disturbed.
- j) How was his mother’s health?
Ans. His mother’s health was bad.
- Write five sentences on Bayazid’s devotion to his mother.
Or, Write five sentences on Bayazid’s devotion to his mother by answering the given set of questions related to the text.
- What was Bayazid doing at the dead of night?
- How was his mother and what was she doing?
- What did his mother ask him?
- Why did Bayazid stand the whole night with a glass of water?
Ans. Devotion to Mother
Bayazid Bostami was a great saint. Once he was reading on his table at the dead of night. His mother was ill and in deep sleep. Suddenly she asked her son to give her a glass of water. After fetching water from a fountain, Bayazid found his mother in deep sleep again and so he stood the whole night with a glass of water.
Additional Question :
Write a short composition on “An obedient Son” by answering the following questions within 5 sentences.
- What did Bayazid’s mother ask for?
- What did Bayazid do to fetch water?
- What did he see after coming back?
- What did his mother see in the morning?
- What did his mother do?
Ans. An Obedient Son
Bayazid’s mother was ill and she asked for a glass of water. There was no water in the house and he went to a stream to fetch water. After coming back, he found his mother in deep sleep. In the morning his mother found him standing with a glass of water in hand. His mother took him in her arms and blessed him from her heart.
- Suppose, you are Rana. Write a letter to your friend, Rashed about the devotion of Bayazid to his beloved mother.
Here are some words to help you : address, date, salutation, main points of the letter, closing.
1 February 2016
Dear Rashed,
I received your letter yesterday. In the letter you wanted to know about the devotion of Bayazid to his beloved mother. Well, let me write about it.
There lived a small boy named Bayazid. One day he was reading by his sick mother. Suddenly his mother woke up and asked her son to give her a glass of water. But he found no water in the house and so went out to bring water. When he returned, he found his mother sleeping again. He did not want to disturb his mother and stood beside her bed with the glass of water. His mother awoke at dawn and found him standing still beside her bed. She became very happy and blessed him.
No more today. With best regards.
Your loving friend,
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